[AURALIC VEGA 织女星 声韵最新解码 ESS9018+数字前级]/轻薄/织女星,声韵,解码,数字,最新 同兴膜式工程
    AURALIC VEGA 织女星 声韵最新解码  ESS9018+数字前级
¥21800.00 包邮

AURALIC VEGA 织女星 声韵最新解码 ESS9018+数字前级

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AURALIC VEGA 织女星 声韵最新解码 ESS9018+数字前级评价

湖南郴州 ID723291 :

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真的不好意思 由于我的粗心大意让卖家麻烦了

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描述相符:4.90 服务态度:4.90 发货速度:4.89
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 VEGA, the next generation digital audio processor, is developed with the goal of 'seeking for non-compromised sound'.  With plenty of I/O ports and powerful function, it will become the kernel component of your high-end stereo system.

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\ With Sanctuary Audio Processor as heart, AURALiCintroduces several cutting-edge technology for VEGA:Megahertz upsampling algorithm up-samples all PCMmusic to 1.5MHz in 32bitFemto Master Clock provides an ultimate clock precision with jitter only 82 femtoseconds(0.082 picosecond). Binding with otherAURALiC's patented technologies such as 'ORFEOClass-A module' and discrete 'Purer-Power™ solution', VEGA will bring high resolution music playback experience to climax.\
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\ VEGA supports all high resolution music formats including DXD(352.8KS/s, 384KS/s in 32bit) as well asDSD stream at 2.8224MHz and 5.6448MHz. Five digital inputs include AES/EBU, coaxial(set of two), toslink and USB. The balanced and single-ended analog outputs can connect to power amplifier directly, adjusting volume in digital precision without dynamic loss.
\ The six built-in filter modes each contains several digital filters optimized for corresponding sampling rate. These filters are solely developed by AURALiC to optimize the listening experience for different music and format. VEGA allows its user to customize according to different music formats, tuning sound best to personal preference.\
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AURALiC Sanctuary Audio Processor


Sanctuary audio processor, the heart of VEGA, is based on multi-core ARM9 architecture with calculating capability at 1000MIPS which is ideal for handling multi-channel high resolution music. AURALiC also introduces the second generation ActiveUSB ™ to VEGA that separates the USB PHY into a discrete chip to future reduce EMI  from computer. Resorting to these technologies, VEGA not only support DXDformat(352.8KS/s and 384KS/s PCM signal in 32bit) but also able to decode DSD stream at 2.8224MHz and5.6448MHz in native though 'DoP V1.1' transmission standard.




Megahertz Upsampling


By using the latest ground breaking algorithm, megahertzupsampling technology can process and up-sample all incoming PCM format to 1.5MHz at 32bit depth. These not only improve the precision of DAC, but also create a new Nyquist frequency for all PCM signal which farther away from the top end of audio frequency. As a result, our engineers are able to design a bran-new analog circuit structure with more bandwidth and faster slew rate. Comparing to previous design, the new structure is more transparent to audio signal with lower distortion and less noise, it also lets red book CDs sound more rich and smooth.




Femto Master Clock


The purpose of Femto master clock is to give DAC andupsampling circuit an ultimate clock with extremely low jitter and phase noise. It utilizes aerospace grade crystal oscillator, ultra low noise linear power supply and temperature compensation technology to generate master clock with extremely low jitter at 82femtoseconds. What's more important, the phase noise which affect sound quality a lot has been dramatically reduced to -168dBc/Hz. Driving by such amazing clean clock, VEGA can easily reproduce the music details in the 'last bit', represent a rock solid stereo image you may never experience before.




Flexible Filter Mode


VEGA has six built-in filter modes each contains several digital filters optimized for corresponding sampling rate. These filters are developed under AURALiC's subjective auditory sense and objective testing data relationship models which is to optimize the listening experience for different music and format. The linear phase filter exhibits perfect in-band ripple and out-band attenuation performance while the minimum phase filter is better for enjoyment as it has no 'pre-ringing' effect. There are also slow roll-off filter and several noise filters for native DSDconversion. To maximum usage of these filters, VEGA allows its user to customize according to different formats, tuning sound best to personal preference.




AURALiC ORFEO Class-A Output Module


In order to drive various loads, matching different power amplifiers, VEGA is powered with AURALiC's patentedORFEO Class-A module  which is inspired by Neve 8078 analog console’s circuit design as the output stage. The principle of this module is to use a mass of small signal components with best linear characteristic. By packing them though a thermal balance procedure and bias the transistors into Class-A, ORFEOachieves impressive performance with open loop distortion less than 0.001%. The ORFEO module used in VEGA has been selected and tweaked for lower noise while maintains its driving capability for 600ohm load without any distortion raise.








VEGA Specifications






Frequency Response
\ 20 - 20KHz, +/- 0.1dB*
\ <0.0003%, 20Hz-20KHz at 0dBFS
\ Dynamic Range
\ 130dB20Hz-20KHz, A-weighted
\ Digital Inputs
\ 2*Coaxial
\ 1*Toslink
\ 1*USB 2.0 buffered by ActiveUSB™
\ Analog Outputs
\ 1*Balanced XLR(output impedance 4.7ohm)
\ 1*Single-ended RCA(output impedance 50ohm)
\ Supported Digital Formats
\ All PCM from 44.1KS/s to 384KS/s in 32Bit**
\ DSD642.8224MHz) and DSD128(5.6448MHz)***
\ Output Voltage
\ 4Vrms at Max. with dynamic-loss-free digital volume
\ User Interface
\ AURALiC RC-1 remote control
\ 512*64 pixels OLED Display
\ Power Consumption
\ Standby: <2W
\ Sleep: <10W
\ Playback:  15W at max.
\ Dimension
\ 11''W x 9''D x 2.6''H (33cm x 23cm x 6.5cm)
\ Weight
\ 7.3 pounds (3.3kg)




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